Email Councils to Support Housing

Council elections are on Sep 14, and Sydney YIMBY is calling on all candidates to sign a pledge to increase housing supply within their area.

With $200 rent increases the norm and essential workers being pushed out of Sydney we need your help put housing on the agenda, and sort out which councillors want to fix the problem and which ones want to obstruct and make it worse.

Using the form on this page you'll be able to lookup your council area by postcode and email candidates from that council. Tell them how the housing crisis is affecting your personally, and that you'll be voting for candidates who make a loud, public display in support of new housing by signing the pledge.

This campaign is being run by Sydney YIMBY, a grassroots non-profit fighting to make Sydney's housing more affordable. You can find out more about us here, and please consider becoming a member to support our work.


Sign the petition for more homes on government land