Who we are
We’re a grassroots group of volunteers who believe that abundant housing will make Sydney more affordable, sustainable and liveable.
The goals of the organisation are as follows:
The primary object of Sydney YIMBY Incorporated is to achieve a more liveable, sustainable and affordable future for all by advocating for abundant housing and urban intensification.
To achieve this, Sydney YIMBY will:
advocate, through public discourse and direct engagement with stakeholders and policymakers, for policies promoting access to abundant, high quality and sustainable housing
advocate for high quality urban design and urban intensification in the Greater Sydney region, including high quality public transport, urban amenity, walkable neighbourhoods and public green spaces
engage with planning processes in support of high quality development, abundant housing and urban intensification
engage in any other advocacy, research, fundraising, or membership and coalition-building necessary to support these aims.
We are a not-for-profit association, incorporated in NSW, and our only source of funding is our membership fees. You can find information on our membership levels here. We do not accept memberships from property developers or their employees.
Committee Members
Justin Simon
Melissa Neighbour
Deputy Chair
Aks Walia
Phillip Balding
Emily Lockwood
General Committee
Dominic Behrens
General Committee
Angus Thomsen
General Committee
All Sydney YIMBY members act in a individual capacity, and any opinions expressed do not represent those of their employers.