TOD at Croydon
Aks and Sharath speak at Burwood Council about the Transport-Oriented Development in Croydon.
We live-tweet.
Sharath: “Currently a majority of land around Croydon is only zoned R2, and it’s prohibitively expensive at $2.3m. Allowing density will bring down prices and allow more Sydney siders to live places with good infrastructure”
Croydon public school’s enrollment is down 9% since a couple of years ago. The station is the 32nd busiest station out of 38 on the T2 line, many stations further from the city have more usage. It’s a waste.
Without changes young people like myself will be priced out and we’ll become a city without grandchildren.
Aks: “If not Croydon then where? Croydon has easy access to the big job centres of Sydney, especially the CBD and Parramatta. My family moved here from India in 1999, our first home was a small apartment because it was what we could afford”
“Consultations favour a certain kind of person, who doesn’t have work or responsibilities for young children. Given how multicultural Burwood is it’s pretty confronting to look at the demographics of speakers against the TOD today.”