What we’ve been doing in 2024

Here's a summary of what we've been up to in the first five months of this year

Public Events

We hosted a forum on Gentle Density on 21 March at the Lady Hampshire.

We appeared at NSW Parliamentary hearings into Transport Oriented Development.

We made submissions to the Transport Oriented Development inquiry and (with AHNA) Everybody’s Home Commission into Housing Crisis.

We blogged about Housing targets, Transport-Oriented Development, Mid-rise Housing and Haberfield.

We presented to housing forums organised by Kylea Tink, Sophie Scamps, Young Labor, Wollondilly and other political and community groups.

Direct Advocacy

Sydney YIMBY members have spoken at many council meetings, including Inner West, Ku-ring-gai, Canada Bay and Burwood and have attended many more.

We ran a workshop on writing submissions on the Mid-rise Housing Code.

We wrote letters to the Federal Government about repurposing defence land.

And have advocated directly to politicians, bureaucrats, academics, and planners.


We’ve been the subject of media stories, including:

Other media stories that have quoted us include the SMH (9/1, 29/4, 4/5, 29/5), AFR (12/4, 3/5, 31/5), news.com.au (6/2), Cityhub (2/2), Radio 2GB (10/1)

We appeared on podcasts with James Bragg and The Elephant in the Room.

Sydney YIMBY members have posted YouTube videos on immigration, council meetings, apartments, housing diversity, overdevelopment, NIMBYs, Sydney developers

We’ve made TikToks on Housing targets, Haberfield, Balmain and housing density

And we’ve taken every opportunity we can to fight for housing abundance in this city we love.


NSW Budget Response


MASSIVE ADVOCACY WIN: Ambitious housing targets for local councils