NSW Budget Response

We’re happy to see the government put housing at the front and centre of its budget. There is a lot to like about this budget: funding for social housing; a regional, government-funded build to rent pilot; and plans for Landcom to develop around 4700 new homes.

Housing represents the single largest cost-of-living pressure for NSW households. The best investment the NSW government could make to ease the financial burden on households is to invest in more housing. In particular the $600m spent on toll caps would have much more cost-of-living benefit if redirected towards housing.

We look forward to the government building on this base by delivering planning reform, reviewing local council housing targets, and rezoning land around existing and new public transport infrastructure. While greenfields development is part of the solution, it alone cannot deliver the number or variety of homes we need.

It takes a lot of time, work and money to build new communities. Sydney is full of vibrant communities with thriving schools, good public transport links, and other local amenities. To meet our housing needs in both the short and long term, these communities must welcome their fair share of new residents. We believe the state government needs to take a carrot-and-stick approach to making that a reality.


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