Newsletter: Housing Now!

Housing Now! Campaign

Today we are joining with Business NSW, Committee for Sydney, Unions and Universities to demand real action on our housing crisis. Among our demands are rezoning to allow medium density housing in all parts of Sydney, and to upzone around all train stations.

We’re really excited to have such a diverse set of groups calling for strong YIMBY reform. You can read more about the campaign at

YIMBY v NIMBY Debate at Sydney Uni

Sydney Uni are hosting a debate featuring Melissa Neighbour from Sydney YIMBY and Eamon Waterford from Committee for Sydney arguing the YIMBY side. It’s happening at 5pm on Weds 20 September.

A number of us from the committee will be in attendance and will likely head somewhere nearby for dinner and drinks afterwards.

Reserve your place here.

Architecture Street Talks

Medium density advocates Angelo Korsanos and Peter McGregor are hosting a talk on how to achieve good outcomes with that sort of development. They’ll present some speculative design research they’ve done for the Government Architect NSW. This is also happening on 20 September, you can book tickets here.

Rockdale Development

There is a proposal for a boarding house going to Bayside Planning Panel at 6pm Tues 12 September. Council’s principal argument against this development is that it is inconsistent with the lots around it and that the lot size is too small.

We argue that it is substantially similar to the buildings that make up the rest of the block, and that while the site is narrow, preventing this development on that basis would effectively strand the site and prevent the delivery of over 70 homes.

You can register to speak at the Planning Panel by registering using the form here. You can find the meeting details, agenda item number and more information about the development here (it’s the only one on the agenda this month).

Media Roundup

Get Involved

If you want to become involved with our day to day organising the best way to do that is by joining our discord server. We’ve now got over 150 people there having discussion about everything from specific DAs through to general urbanist philosophy.


Macarthur Pde Heritage Listings


Balmain Rd Development