Neutral Bay Coles Apartment Submission Guide

Coles is proposing to build a new supermarket, retail precinct and 72 apartments on what is currently a 1-storey Woolworths site in Neutral Bay, and we want members to make a submission in support.

Looking at the concept pictures and what’s currently there, it’s hard not to think this is a substantial upgrade.

The concept design:

The current site: 

We think this is a great proposal- not only will it add new residential and retail space, it looks to substantially improve the urban fabric of the area.

The current site is dirty, crowded and because of the narrow areas between parking bays, dangerous, especially for families and children. This proposal will move the parking underground, and free up more space for a pedestrianised plaza. 

Neutral Bay is one of the most privileged areas in Sydney, and more people should be able to live there. Some existing residents are firing up, and trying to stop this from going ahead, so we need you to write to North Sydney Council and tell them that you support this application. If you don’t write in- this sort of thing is all that council will hear:

Do you think that Neutral Bay, less than 4 kilometres from Circular Quay, should have a ‘village atmosphere’? 

The easiest way to make a submission is to email with “Submission on DA 258/23” in the subject line. You’ll need to include your contact details (at least your name and address) in the email for council to accept the submission. Alternatively, fill out the form here

Some points you might want to make in your submission (just remember to put them in your own words):

  1. Rents have increased by more than $100/week in just the last year in Neutral Bay. This building will add new housing and contribute to greater affordability in one of the most desirable areas of Sydney. 

  2. The site is ideally located for additional housing development, being located close to Military Road buses and local shops. Residents will likely not have to drive for daily necessities. 

  3. The proposal is sympathetic to the local area, with several other apartment buildings of similar heights in the vicinity. 

  4. The proposal will substantially improve the urban amenity of the site by reducing surface-level traffic flow. 

  5. Nearby, on Young Street, a similar pedestrianisation was undertaken, which has substantially improved the utilisation and amenity of the area. A surface car park is a waste of this valuable space and makes the area unattractive and dangerous. 

And if it makes you feel better- the NIMBYs aren’t exactly nailing their submissions- just look at this one: 


Patyegarang Development


Mortdale Master Plan